Yes, I’m alive. The first week of school always kicks my hiney. We made it, though! Truth be told, all of these pictures (except the last few) are from before school started…and the last few are from the first day. I haven’t had much time to pull out my phone (or I decide that it’s best to live in the moment instead of try to record it…I’ve been getting more and more like that). We’re getting into our routine and I think this year is going to be great! So here’s a snapshot into the last couple of weeks:
Life is better with neon pink shoes. The picture makes them look more bubblegum-esque, but in natural light…let’s just say I get a lot of comments. It’s mostly “I love your shoes!” but I did get one from the head custodian that made me laugh: “I saw you coming from 100 yards away.” New year means new haircut!A coworker/friend of mine and I were talking about how I like to put positive signs in my classroom. She mentioned that she had one that she had been holding onto for years but never found the right place for it, so she offered it to me. It fits into my decor perfectly and I love the sentiment.Here’s your daily dose of awesome. Paul managed to get this shot of a dragonfly that was just chillin’ in our garden. I wish I could make heart eyes right now. Dragonflies are my favorite insect.I was trying out the 0.5 setting on my phone because someone mentioned that they used it to take “selfies” with their entire class. I wanted to see how much of the background would be visible. I’m impressed!Paul was able to get a picture of Abigail at the Meet the Teacher night that we had before school started. I’m so grateful he’s able to be present when I can’t (I was in my classroom greeting my students).New year and some fun new earrings. This is a small business I stumbled across while browsing Amazon and I thought the earrings were so cute! I loved that she offered a personalized option. So this is a shameless plug to go visit her site. I was able to squeeze in a quick visit with this lady…this is Kari (Cole) Starzyk and we’ve known each other for as long as I can remember. She moved away right before sixth grade and we’ve spent more time apart than together. She was on the east coast for a long time but moved to North Texas a couple years after we moved to San Antonio. The distance between is still awfully far, though, so when she mentioned she was going to be in town for the weekend, I cleared my schedule and met up with her for breakfast. It was such a great experience!First day of school! I only have a picture of Abigail because she and I had to be out of the house before Joseph was even awake. ‘Tis the stage of life we’re in, I suppose.Google photos did this cool background for the picture I took and Abigail said I had to add it to the blog, too.Abigail and I got to school when it was still a little dark, but the moon was so big and bright! It’s times like these that I wish I had a real camera (and knew how to use it). My cell phone doesn’t do it justice.