This One’s About The Girl

Looking at the pictures that were taken this past week, the majority of them are of Abigail. That’s mainly because I didn’t take many pictures and most of the pictures are from her grade-level performance or from her asking us to take her picture. There are a couple of garden pictures tossed in to mix […]

Playing a Little Catch-Up

I skipped doing a post last week because I was…tired, ha. I had only taken one picture and decided it could wait. This past week Abigail and Joseph both had field trips. Abigail went to Sea World and Joseph went to the Scobee Center which is a place kids can go to do space-related activities. […]

A Busy Week and a Fun Day Off

This past week was a busy one. We’re getting quite a bit closer to the end of school (we’ve got about a month left). We were quite busy with school and work. Friday, the kids and I had the day off because of Fiesta/The Battle of the Flowers Parade (which is a San Antonio-specific holiday). […]