Weekly Happenings: This past week was kind of ho-hum until something amazing happened on Thursday…it snowed! Honest-to-goodness real snow. It wasn’t a whole lot (maybe an inch…at most), but it was enough. I had seen the possibility appear on my weather app, but didn’t say anything to Joseph (I didn’t want to get his hopes up). Then, right before putting the kids to bed, I peeked out the window and saw big, fat flakes falling, We hurried up and got bundled up to go play. Joseph kept saying that his birthday wish came true (I had forgotten, but once he said that, I remembered that after he blew out his birthday candle, he told me he wished for it to snow…no specific time…just snow). It was pretty fun. It even stayed well into the next day before melting completely mid-afternoon. In order to preserve the Christmas-y feeling, the next night we went back out to the zoo to see the zoo lights again. It was fun to go when it was cold (the first time, we were practically sweating, which felt kind of silly, haha).
The Weekly Weather: We had the full gamut this past week. Warm weather (it was 82 degrees two days before the day we got snow, haha), rain, snow, and then slightly warming back up. Texas weather is a bit crazy!
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been busy finishing up his semester at school (the last day is this next Friday). It will be nice for him to have a short break.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Not much, other than my regular stuff.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He had a good week at school (including a fun reading party put on by the librarian that was for kids who had brought in a certain amount of completed reading logs). He loved playing in the snow (especially getting to have a snowball fight with Paul), and loved getting to go back out to the zoo to see the lights.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s swiftly approaching her first birthday in just a couple of weeks. She is starting to figure out how to wave, has experimented with “whispering” (sometimes she’ll babble at me in a hushed voice if I whisper to her), and is beginning to use things like furniture and boxes to pull herself up onto her knees. She’s also gotten pretty fast at scooting around with her “low crawl” (especially on the wood floor).
This Week in Pictures: