Weekly Happenings: We made this past week a little more low-key to kind of recover from the craziness that was the week before (due to birthday celebrations). Tuesday I took Joseph to Story Time at the library. They do a story and then have crafts for the kids that have to do with a specific letter of the alphabet. He really liked getting to do the crafts and loved getting to start a journal for his letters. He told me that he liked going to school at the library. We’ll probably make this a weekly thing. Wednesday I had my annual physical, Thursday I had to go back to get bloodwork done (they had neglected to tell me that I was supposed to be fasting for the physical, so I had to go back), and Friday was Joseph’s physical. I knew he would need immunizations, so I asked Paul to come along (he’s better at keeping Joseph still for those types of things). Joseph did really well and only really started to freak out after they started giving him his shots. On the way home, we stopped and got him a happy meal as a reward for surviving. 🙂 Friday night, on sort of a whim, we went out and picked up a twin-sized mattress for Joseph and Paul disassembled his toddler bed. Paul reassembled it in our room, along with the other side, so that it will be all ready for when baby #2 eventually comes along (no, that is not an announcement…we just didn’t really have any other place to put it, lol). Yesterday, we took part in the monthly clean-up of the park and then we went to Lowe’s so that Paul could pick up supplies to build a bed frame for Joseph. He managed to get the frame built and it is already in Joseph’s room (in fact, he slept in it last night). He will eventually add a headboard and then stain the entire thing. Today was stake conference, so we got to sleep in an extra hour (yea!) and we camped out in the Primary room so that Joseph had a lot of room to roam (and we could still listen to what was going on through the speaker from the chapel). Oh! We got news today that Saira (Jason’s wife) safely delivered a baby girl today. She came sort of early (due to Saira having really high blood pressure), but she was still a substantial size for a preemie (just over 6 lbs). Joseph was uber excited to find out that he has a new cousin. 🙂
The Weekly Weather: The weather during the first part of last week was pretty warm, but then on Thursday we had quite the storm come through. It seemed to bring with it weather that is a bit cooler. Friday evening it also rained a bit, and then yesterday and today have been gorgeous. It’s only been in the mid-70s in the mornings, mid-80s in the afternoons, and low-90s in the late afternoons. It’s almost as if Mother Nature was apologizing for what happened in the month of August. 😉 I’m not sure if it will stick around, but I sure hope it will (and even a bit cooler wouldn’t disappoint).
What Paul’s Been Up To: Paul’s been keeping busy with work and projects around the house. School will also be starting for him shortly. They’ve been able to hire a contractor to take his position at the library, meaning that after he shows the new guy the ropes, he’ll be able to move over to the IT department and start his new job. I think he’s pretty excited about that (though he does emphasize that his job at the library was a good one) in a couple of weeks. We’re also looking forward to celebrating his birthday this week. 🙂
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve mainly been getting back into the swing of things with my students as well as getting choir stuff ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas (yes, you read that correctly). I love this time of year that we are coming into.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Here’s the stats from his appointment this past week: he’s 40 inches tall and now weighs 37 pounds. That puts him right about average for his age. We’ve also started potty training hard-core. He only wears a Pull-up at night. We made a chart to reward successes where he can earn prizes and it hasn’t been nearly as messy as I thought it would be (that was really why I was holding off on it). He’s had a couple of accidents, but it hasn’t been bad at all. He’s also showing us that his decoding skills are rather impressive. He tries really hard to read words that he sees. A lot of the time he gets it right and the rest of the time he’s really close.
This Week in Pictures:

Life’s all kinds of interesting when there’s a four-year-old in it. 🙂