This week was a pretty laid-back week. We didn’t really go anywhere or do anything until the weekend (other than grocery shopping and stuff, of course). It was nice to just hang around the house and relax. Joseph found new and exciting ways to use old toys:

He also fell back on a favorite past time:

Now for all the fun stuff:
Joseph is turning out to be more observant than we thought possible. The other day, I went to get him out of his crib after nap time and he noticed something…he noticed that I had changed the color of the polish on my toenails. I opened the door and started walking towards the crib. First he said, “Hi!” (almost always the first thing he says) and then he got all excited and said, “Toes!” repeatedly while pointing at my feet. When I got him out of his crib, he immediately crouched down so that he could get a closer look.
Last Monday, I gave Joseph a small Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. That thing has been his constant companion for almost a week straight now. I don’t know exactly when his love of Mickey Mouse started, but he really loves “da Mouse!” as he calls it:

He’s even gone so far as to make sure that Mickey’s oral hygiene is up to par. The other day, I saw him holding the top of his little blue maraca so that the handle part was free. He told Mickey to “Open mowf” and then he moved the handle back and forth in Mickey’s mouth, saying “Brush teef!” The best part was that both were said in a tone of voice that was almost identical to the one I use when I’m coaxing him to open his mouth so that I can brush his teeth.
Another story about our super-observant boy: A few days ago, we were walking down the stairs when Joseph noticed a small, black speck on the wall (a ding from when we moved furniture upstairs after first moving in). He pointed at it and said, “A spiduh! A spiduh!” Later that same afternoon, he had gotten a hold of a napkin and was squishing it into a crevice in the windowsill. He was using the same hand motions that I had been using when I squished a spider there a few days prior. I have also squished other spiders…I just never realized that he was paying that much attention to me, lol.
Two big milestones this week: We moved Joseph up a size in shoes. Paul and I had both noticed that his shoes were getting a bit snug, but when I realized one day that his toes were practically hanging over the edge of his sandals, I realized that a trip to Payless was in order. We got him exactly what he had before (church shoes, velcro sandals, and Spiderman tennis shoes), just in the next size up. He’s now wearing size 7 shoes in toddlers. He just keeps growing so fast! The other milestone is that his occupational therapist agrees that we’re okay to stop doing therapy for Joseph’s eating. He’s been eating all table food for a few weeks now, and is no longer pocketing food in his cheeks. He’s also chewing a lot better. We just have to do an exit evaluation (basically for paperwork reasons) and he’ll be done. Way to go, little man!
Yesterday, we went to another farmers’ market. This one is in downtown San Antonio, and is more like a traditional farmers’ market (with a lot of fresh produce and baked goods) as opposed to the market day that we go to in Helotes (closer to home) which is more crafts and stuff. It was nice to walk around, it wasn’t too hot, Joseph loved seeing all the different people and their dogs (there were a LOT of dogs there), and we got some yummy food to take home. It was a nice trip downtown.
Finally, an update on Joseph’s singing. He’s still singing along to a lot of different things, which we find highly entertaining and ridiculously cute. Yesterday, I was changing his diaper and I started singing one of his favorite songs, to which he said, “No, no!” I tried a few other songs, but after a few words in on each of them, I got the same result. Finally, I started singing, “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam”. Not only did he let me sing it, but he started singing along with me! I was surprised with how much he knew (I’d say he knows about 75%). I guess they sing it in Nursery a lot. It’s good to know that he’s getting more out of Nursery than just playing with toys. Now, if we could get him to stop climbing up and standing up on the tables there (quite triumphantly, according to Paul who witnessed it as he picked him up from Nursery today), that would be great.