Weekly Happenings: Well, it’s officially spring according to the calendar. It’s hard to believe that March is almost over! This past week, we didn’t really do anything or even go anywhere out of the ordinary. It was back to school for Joseph and back to our regular routine for the rest of us. Oh, there was one thing that happened! Our ward (church congregation organized by geographical region) has grown so much that they ended up dividing us into two wards. One will continue to be the Culebra Creek ward and then the new one (which we’re in) is called the Valley Ranch ward. Since Valley Ranch is completely new, this will most likely mean new callings (jobs having to do with church) for both me and Paul and a new Primary (children’s Sunday School class) teacher for Joseph. We still meet at the same time and at the same building (the Culebra Creek ward will be moving to a different building). The funny thing is that both of the buildings that the two wards meet in are not in our stake boundaries (a geographical area organized for a group of wards). Before we get approval to build a new church building, all the buildings in the area need to be full (meaning that at least three wards meet at them), regardless of which stake they are. Hopefully with this new change, we’ll have the buildings full enough to build a new building. I guess only time will tell. 🙂
The Weekly Weather: It’s been cool in the mornings and warmer in the afternoons and evenings. That’s pretty typical for South Texas in the spring. Rain was in the forecast a couple of times, but we didn’t really get anything.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Mainly work and school. He didn’t have Scouts this past week (and we’ll see if he gets called back into Scouts). He did take one day off of work (originally there was going to be a camp out, but that got canceled) and used it to work on school work. With his semester ending soon, he’s got some extra projects and whatnot that are needing his attention, so this day off was helpful.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Just another week of keeping the littles alive and happy under my belt. 😉
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Back to school (and loving seeing all his school friends again). He’s also continued to show just how good of a helper he is with me and Abigail. He loves to do stuff to entertain her and make her smile. 🙂
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She hit her three month mark and has been her usual smiley, happy self. It seems she may have picked up a stomach bug, so yesterday was a bit rough, but she’s slowly showing improvement, so hopefully it will pass soon!
This Week in Pictures: