A Chill Week

This past week was really laid back. We pretty much just puttered along. The kids went to school, Paul went to work, and I kept the house running while doing some volunteer work at the school (for picture day: I helped keep the classes that were coming in and made sure everyone looked their best […]

A Bit of a Jumble

This past week was kind of a mixed bag. We had a challenging day or two (Abigail had a bit of the stomach flu) but luckily some fun things as well (crazy hair day at school, Paul’s birthday, and fun nature-y things).

Sayonara, Summer…well, Unofficially

This past week started off with Labor Day. It was nice to have a day off. We went to the zoo and then after we got back, I got out the fall decorations. I know it isn’t officially fall until towards the end of the month, but I just couldn’t wait any longer. Maybe the […]