On the Road to Recovery and some CRAZY Weather

This week has been better health-wise (Joseph was better and started eating stuff other than goldfish crackers and milk, my allergies have been kind of crazy due to the large amount of mountain cedar pollen, but I’m slowly getting better from the massive allergy attack that hit mid-week), but the weather has been a bit…bi-polar. […]


This past week has been a bit of a bruiser. It started out on Sunday with Joseph coming down with a fever, which progressed into a full-blown virus. He was runny-nosed, coughing, and refusing to eat anything. It took five days before his fever went away. The doctor ruled out flu and ear infection, but […]

Back to Everyday Life

We spent the week getting back to our everyday life: grocery shopping, playing, music playtime, relaxing. 🙂 I must say that there is a low feeling immediately following a vacation. Joseph would ask every once in a while when we would get in the car (especially if it was a trip after dark) if we […]