Pre-Anniversary Antics

Weekly Happenings: This past week was another low-key week. We did not do too much out of the ordinary during the week. We did get to do some fun stuff over the weekend, though. On Friday, Paul came home with a bouquet of flowers for me (our anniversary is tomorrow) and then we dropped Joseph off at a friend’s house to play so that we could go out to dinner. It was a nice break. 🙂 As we went to pick him up after dinner, he was sad because they were about to play Go Fish…but her perked up when I said that we could teach him how to play Go Fish when we got home. 🙂 Yesterday we went back up to Austin to pick up a bike for Paul from someone who was advertising it on Craigslist. It’s almost identical to the one that he had on his mission and the first part of our marriage (it’s a year newer) before it got stolen off of the balcony of one of our apartments. We also stopped by Lowe’s to get some hooks to hang the bike from the garage ceiling (it hangs over the hood of the Honda) and the sports store to get Paul a new helmet. Oh, and Joseph got to go to a birthday party where all they did was play out in the water. He had so much fun!

The Weekly Weather: It’s been hot, but not nearly as hot as it was the week before. There was one random day where it only got into the mid-80s (and even then, that wasn’t until much later in the day). It also rained on and off through that same day. It was a nice reminder that fall will eventually get here. 🙂

What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been busy with work and upkeep of the house/yards. He was really excited (and justifiably so) to find his new-to-him bike. He plans on taking it out to Government Canyon (the state park/”natural area” that’s about a mile or two from our house) to ride it on some of the trails that they have out there.

What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’m gearing up for my students all coming back from summer vacation (about half of them took the summer off) since school starts tomorrow. I’ll also have two new students that will be starting this week. As for what’s going on with choir, I met up with my music chair to start planning music for the next few months as well as for Christmas. It’s getting closer and closer to being my favorite time the year. 🙂

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s taken to insisting that we leave his door open so that more light will come into his room when he’s trying to go to sleep each night. Since our bedrooms are all off of the loft, we still end up walking by his room (and he can see Paul sitting at his desk), which makes it tricky for him if he’s trying to sneak out of bed to get a toy or something. 😉 If he does notice us watching him try to sneak, he’ll get this big smile on his face and then he waves to us. It’s almost as if he is hoping that we’ll be too mesmerized by his cuteness for him to get in trouble. 😉 He’s also really excited about his swiftly-approaching birthday party. He’s having a video game-themed party (with a heave dose of Legend of Zelda since that’s his favorite) and three of his closest friends will be there.

This Week in Pictures:

On the “cold”/rainy day this past week, I couldn’t resist turning on the fireplace. I didn’t turn on the heat, obviously, because it wasn’t actually cold. I just wanted the “firelight”. 🙂
My pretty flowers. 🙂
Paul and Joseph playing Go Fish.
Paul’s new bike and helmet. I find it rather neat that he found a helmet that matched his bike for just $10.00!
Joseph playing with a parachuter toy that he got from his Primary teachers today.

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