Gorgeous Texas Skies and a Couple of Silly Side-eyes

Weekly Happenings: This past week was pretty average. Since Monday was a holiday, we scooted out to the zoo for a fun morning. The weather has been rather if-y as of late, so we decided to stay local. We also had our annual HOA meeting where Paul was elected to the HOA board, filling the offices of Vice President and Secretary.

The Weekly Weather: It’s been another week full of both rain and sunshine (sometimes at the same time, haha).

What Paul’s Been Up To: He is continuing the work on the little free library. The rain has slowed him down a bit (he wants to do many, many layers of paint so that it can withstand the elements), but he’s kept at it. He also used some scrap wood to make a rubber band rifle for Joseph. Joseph was pretty excited about that. 🙂

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Not too much on my front. I’m mainly just trying to keep one step ahead of a crazy-active almost-two-year-old. 🙂 Luckily, the just-turned-seven-year-old is a huge help in that aspect. 😉

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He has been loving school, loves to play with Abigail, and loves spending time creating new creations with his LEGOS.

What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s figured out that her reach is longer and so are her legs. Why is this specific combination important to mention? Well, it means that it’s easier for her to climb up on things…like the coffee table, chairs, benches, etc. I’ve spent a lot of time lifting her back down (sometimes multiple times in a row, haha).

This Week in Pictures:

You know that longer reach of Abigail’s that I mentioned? Yeah…we had to move the Halloween lights because they were too much of a temptation to Little Miss Grabs-a-Lot. The breakfast bar is a bit higher than the bottom of the book shelves.
And she definitely can’t reach these!
I love sights like this!
We let her loose(ish) at the zoo. She had a blast, but it was kind of exhausting following her around and making sure she didn’t get into any scrapes (even being “leashed”), haha.
Baby pigtails!
We did take advantage of a clear afternoon to go to the park.
The kids loved getting out of the house and playing with friends.
They both wanted to snuggle up and watch a show. One snuggly kid on my lap is enough to make me drowsy. Two? Psh. Forget about it! This was the sight that Paul came home to, haha.
Texas does a lot of things right. Sunrises are definitely part of the list. Sometimes they are golden…
…and sometimes they are pinky-purpley-orange.
One morning, we even got to see a rainbow (even though it hadn’t rained). Here’s one side of it…
…and here’s a glimpse of the other side (the middle wasn’t visible). Oh, and a mini photo-bomber, haha.
Here’s one side-eye. We switched out her sippy-cups for spoutless cups. They still have a screw on lid, but instead of a spout, the lid (which has holes similar to a strainer) dips down and there’s a silicone insert that pops in. Basically if she tips the cup and sucks, liquid will get pulled up between the lid and the insert (but the cup won’t spill if it’s tipped over). It doesn’t matter where she puts her mouth, either, which is nice. Plus, we won’t have to keep replacing cups just because she’s gnawed through the spout, haha.
Here’s the other side-eye. He’s posing with the rubber-band rifle that Paul made for him.

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