Weekly Happenings: This past week was another rather laid back one (mainly due to the weather). We’ve been watching the baby birds grow (it’s kind of fun to look out the sliding glass door and seeing all the fuzzy heads popping out of the nest). I haven’t gone out to take any pictures because I don’t want to make Momma-bird nervous. There was one day that Joseph and I attempted to go to the zoo, but it was packed down there (thanks to a a dozen or so field trips), so we went to the mall instead. Luckily, Joseph really likes the mall. We were able to make up for missing the zoo by going later in the week (yesterday, as a matter of fact, which was more fun because Daddy was able to go with us). Friday was a holiday (a local one is San Antonio) as part of Fiesta and the Battle of the Flowers commemoration. You can read more about the history of it all here. It’s kind of interesting.
The Weekly Weather: It has been unsettled to say the least. I think there was only one day last week that was truly clear. The rest of the time it was raining (or acting like it was going to rain but didn’t). Thursday night and Friday night we had some massive thunderstorms come through which had crazy lightning and some pretty loud thunder (amazingly, Joseph slept through it all…I wish I could have). The temperature has been warm and humid, so that’s why I jokingly said that spring was over and summer is here.
What Paul’s Been Up To: His next semester of school is in full swing, which keeps him busy along with work. He did spend some time yesterday sanding down and staining our little beat up side table that we got at a thrift store for $5 many moons ago.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve been helping all my piano students pick out recital pieces, and picking out new music for my ward choir to sing. That, along with keeping Joseph and the house all in one piece, keeps me pretty busy. Next week, I’ll be piecing together my visiting teaching report since May is swiftly approaching. This year seems to be just flying by!
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s been keeping my on my toes, as usual. We had a great time at the mall together, and had fun at home, too. He’s a really good independent player (especially when his cars are involved). It’s so fun to hear his imagination come out while he’s playing. Another entertaining development is hearing him sing to himself when he’s in the restroom. My favorite so far is the ABCs. Finally, he’s doing well with the transition from nursery into Primary. He really likes his teachers and is learning a lot. It’s entertaining to hear what comes out of his mouth, though. Today he was telling us that he learned about “Adam and Evening” as opposed to “Adam and Eve”. 🙂
This Week in Pictures: