So I Guess This is a Monthly Thing

I was looking at the blog and realized I hadn’t posted anything since last month. Whoops! Here’s a brief recap: Joseph got a pretty cool award at school, Abigail had her grade-level music performance, Paul went to Liberty Con in Washington DC, we celebrated Valentines’ Day, and I’m plugging away at 4th grade. More in-depth […]

The Aftermath of Christmas and a Baptism Day!

The time between getting home from our California vacation and now kind of feels like a blur. A lot has happened in that time frame: we finally got Christmas put away (inside took longer than outside since we were limited on our free time due to work and other constraints), Abigail got baptized, and we […]

A Final Chapter

This past week, we made what will be our last Christmas trip to California. Mom is now up in an assisted living place in Utah (Aaron’s kids are making sure the house is lived in and okay until it gets sold), so this trip was mainly me and some of the other siblings going through […]