Weekly Happenings: This past week was a pretty average one. We basically did our normal things with not too much out of the ordinary.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been a smidge cooler and we’ve had quite a bit of rain. It almost feels like fall. 😉
What Paul’s Been Up To: There hasn’t been too much out of the ordinary for him.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: There hasn’t been much out of the ordinary for me, either. We’re getting back into our daily routine with school drop off, pick up, errand running and the like.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s transitioning back into school pretty well. His teacher seems really great and does some fun things with them. He gave us some fun ideas for at-home science experiments that we could do together. We decided to do the “bouncing egg” experiment where a raw egg (still in the shell) is soaked in vinegar for 24 hours. The shell is dissolved, leaving just the membrane around the egg. In this state, you can still pick up the egg and handle it (even squeeze and bounce it) even though it’s still technically raw. Joseph had a great time doing the experiment.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been letting me know that she’s getting pretty close to two this past week, haha. Opinions are stronger, displeasure is voiced louder, and we’ve even had several “floppy baby” moments. Luckily, this has all been mixed in with her sweet hugs, blown kisses, cute little “thank yous” and other phrases, and overall loving personality. One day, Abigail pointed to one of the elephants on my shirt and said, “Was’dat?” I told her it was an elephant. She smiled, took a deep breath, and then did her best elephant sound (kind of like a “raspberry” but without sticking out her tongue). She can also mimic some other animal sounds and I catch her quite often trying to say a word that I just said. Oh, and she’s gotten quite good at coming up to us if we’re sitting somewhere and asking, “Sit?”, meaning she wants to come up and sit with us.
This Week in Pictures:
Bonus Video: The bouncing egg!