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Playing a Little Catch-Up

I skipped doing a post last week because I was…tired, ha. I had only taken one picture and decided it could wait. This past week Abigail and Joseph both had field trips. Abigail went to Sea World and Joseph went to the Scobee Center which is a place kids can go to do space-related activities. He and his fellow GT friends each had a job to try to successfully simulate a Mars mission to look for water on Mars. It was a really neat experience for him! We wrapped up the week with Mother’s Day which was a great day. I got to sleep in, had a yummy breakfast, and got gifts from Paul and the kids.

This is what happens when your kid says she doesn’t want to have crazy hair for Crazy Hair Day but then she changes her mind literally five minutes before you’re supposed to leave. 🙂
This is what I do for my students, haha. The little Star Wars porg is Abigail’s, but I borrowed it for the day. The Vampire Teddy is mine. I promised my kids that if they could be quiet, I’d keep these guys perched on my shoulders (they have magnets) for the rest of the afternoon. It worked!
I sure love this cutie!
They were tasty!
Abigail and Ms. Neel getting geared up for Sea World.
This guy has grown 3.5 inches since September.
This past week was also Teacher Appreciation Week. I got this sweet bookmark from a kiddo.
I got these fun earrings from another kiddo. I also got treats, gift cards, and more.
Years ago, we tried to grow bell peppers (in the ground) and they didn’t do too well. This time, they’re doing great!
Our tomato garden.
Pumpkin plant!
Paul added this cloth covering to the swing set. Now Abigail can live her dream of being a pirate on a ship. 😉
She told me that she was a turtle named Leonardo that was a mutant (she’s been binge-watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). The backpack was serving as her shell and she wore it for the majority of the day.
My Mother’s Day gifts from Joseph and Abigail. The butterfly is two separate necklaces that we can each wear.
Paul got me this fun bag.
It lights up!!
Abigail’s magic trick!
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