Nineteen Years, One Week, and a Couple of Outside Friends
This week was a momentous one. Not only was it the first week of school (and Abigail’s first time at school), it also contained our nineteenth wedding anniversary! It seems almost surreal when I realize we’ve been married practically twenty years. We celebrated by having a lunch date while the kids were at school. That was super nice! The kids had a great first week at school. Joseph likes that his classroom has a Harry Potter theme. Abigail loves getting to play with all her new friends, but she says that sometimes she’s a “liiiiiittle crazy and wiggly” (a direct quote) and that she sometimes forgets to share the toys. It’s all a learning process, so I’m sure those two things are going to get better with time. Oh, one funny interaction between me and Abigail that happened this week:
Me: Abigail, what do you want for bedtime snack?
Abigail: No, he’s Pikachu!
M: Pikachu, what do you want for snack?
A: He doesn’t talk.
M: Abigail, what does Pikachu want for snack?
(a bit of back and forth banter as she plays both herself, asking Pikachu what he wants for snack as well as pretending to be Pikachu and making little noises)