Well, we’ve had one interesting thing happen in the past little bit. Our ward (church congregation) had gotten quite big, so they decided to adjust the boundaries (wards are organized by geographic location) so that our ward wasn’t quite so large and other wards bordering it would be a bit larger. When this happened, they called me to become the new Relief Society (women’s organization) president. When the Relief Society was originally formed, it was mainly to help with temporal needs of the church members. It has since expanded to make sure that all the needs of the church members, both temporal and spiritual, are met. The Relief Society has structure in place so that the workload is spread out with a lot of people doing smaller jobs so that all the work doesn’t fall on just a few, which is nice. My job as president is going to be to make sure that all the jobs are being done (and that the people doing the jobs are still comfortable in those roles and not burned out). So, I have this new calling at church to get used to as well as getting ready for school to start in the next few weeks (I go back on the 12th and the kids go back on the 19th). It’s a lot, but I received a blessing when I received the calling and I was blessed with being able to handle all the responsibilities that I currently have: home, church, and work. I’m sticking in the same grade level with the same team, so there’s a little less stress there. We did a lot of work last year with organization to make this year run more smoothly and it seems like it’s going to work out.
Paul has been busy with work and LP stuff. Sometimes (like this weekend) he needs to travel to go to meetings since he holds a position at the state level. He’s also worked really hard to keep our yards looking nice and the garden plants healthy.
The kids are soaking up the last little bit of summer. Abigail had some sort of upper respiratory infection that I took her in to the doctor about. They weren’t sure if it was viral or bacterial, so they prescribed antibiotics as well as allergy medicine, nasal spray, and breathing treatments. After a few days, we were able to stop the breathing treatments. We were also using a vaporizer in her room up until a couple of nights ago. She only has two more days of meds and she sounds so much better. She would get these hacking coughing fits and now she’s only occasionally coughing.