Weekly Happenings: Well. we’ve survived another week. I’m now convinced that August in Texas is like childbirth. You get through the tough part and then the memory of the pain (or in this case, discomfort, really) fades until the next time you experience it. 😉 The only really noteworthy thing that happened this past week was haircuts for the kids. Other than that, we basically just sat in the AC as much as possible.
The Weekly Weather: I think we’ve already determined that it’s hotter than all get-out. I don’t feel I need to expound, haha.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been busy with work as usual. He’s currently trying to figure out why our fridge’s water system isn’t working. Yay…
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Mainly keeping the kids from get cabin fever…I wouldn’t complain if a cold front came through…even if it rained (we could use it!).
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He got to go to a kids’ game night where they did their own roll-playing game. He had a blast! He also had his baptismal interview (where the bishop of our ward meets with him and makes sure he understands what he needs about baptism before committing to it). It’s hard to believe we’re getting to this point!
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She has thoroughly enjoyed playing with toys, dancing to fun music, and pestering her brother. 😉
This Week in Pictures: