Weekly Happenings: This past week was pretty average with most of the stuff happening towards the end. Joseph had Red Ribbon Week at school so he got to dress up for various themes. He also participated in a “fun run” at school (what we would have called a “jog-a-thon” when I was in school). They basically had a “track” set up on the field at their school which the kids jogged around. It was a fundraiser, so donors could either donate a flat amount or a per/lap amount. We donated a flat amount of $10, which was good because he ended up running 31 laps. Each lap was 1/16th of a mile, so he essentially ran 2 miles. He slept really well that night. 😀 Yesterday was really a fun-packed day. In the morning we drove out to Medina (about an hour away) to Love Creek Orchard to visit the pumpkin patch. After that, we grabbed a bite to eat, and ran to Lowe’s for a couple of things. While there, we discovered a huge event that Bexar County Fire was sponsoring. There was a bounce house, different booths, fire trucks, and ambulances…even an emergency helicopter. It was pretty cool. After that, we went home, painted a few of the small pumpkins we have, and then headed out to the ward trunk-or-treat. Paul made some really good chili (which I was able to eat, along with a small piece of cornbread, without my blood sugar going crazy!), and Joseph had a blast with friends and going to each car. It was a really fun night.
The Weekly Weather: We’ve pretty much kept with the cool mornings and warm afternoons. It hasn’t been too bad, really.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Pretty much his normal routine of work, school, Scouts, and house maintenance (with a few extra bits here and there as he continues to get his outside office ready).
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Pretty much my same routine of keeping Joseph going, piano teaching, and doctors’ appointments. My perinatologist and nutritionist are happy with where my blood sugar numbers are and my OB says that Abigail is still measuring great and that fluid levels are also right where they are supposed to be {insert big sigh of relief}. We’ve got about 8.5 weeks left before my due date, so we’re just going to keep plugging along.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: I’ve already mentioned most of what he’s been doing, but there is one cute story: he was in the bath, singing to himself (to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat):” G-R-E-E-N, G-R-E-E-N, I can spe-ell gree-ee-een, G-R-E-E-N. ” I asked him where he had heard it and he told me that they sing it at school. The stuff they’ve come up with to help our kids have fun while learning is just awesome.
This Week in Pictures (a large amount to make up for the kind of sparse posts previous to this one) 😉 :