Weekly Happenings: This past week was a bittersweet one. At the beginning, it was a normal-ish week of school, work, and the like. On Thursday, I flew to California to be with family and attend my dad’s funeral. I got back yesterday. Paul did an awesome job holding down the fort.
The Weekly Weather: We got a lot of rain last week! Joseph kept saying he wished it would stop so he could play outside. Sorry, kiddo. Fall in South Texas usually means rain.
What Paul’s Been Up To: As I mentioned before, he held down the fort while I was gone. He did an awesome job! He also managed to score a Super Nintendo Classic (a mini Super Nintendo with a ton of the classic games loaded onto it) as a surprise for Joseph.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I soaked up as much family time as possible. My dad’s funeral was on Friday. It was a really wonderful service. It was so good to see everyone I did (family, old friends) even though it was under sadder circumstances.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Mainly just doing his thing. He really enjoyed getting to do Google Hangouts with me while I was gone. He also enjoyed playing the SNES Classic. It served as a good distraction, I think.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She also enjoyed the Google Hangouts (even though she looked confused as to exactly where I was since my face was in Paul’s phone) and has been jetting around the house in her walker. I also moved her into 12-18 month (or just 18 month if it’s a single-size option) clothing.
This Week in Pictures: