Weekly Happenings: This past week was a pretty average one. Joseph participated in the annual “bike rodeo” at his school. They had certain tasks they were supposed to do (ride in a straight line, go in-between cones, ride in a circle, etc.) and whoever had the most points won (points were also awarded for items on the bike like reflectors, a bell, and things like that). Since Joseph still has his training wheels on his bike, he wasn’t able to compete, per se, but he still got to ride in it and got a spirit stick (a small piece of embroidered fabric that the kids at his school collect…he likes to get the ones from the library whenever he turns in a reading log, so a bike rodeo one was icing on the cake), which he was pretty happy about. Also this week, I’ve been trying better to actually do something with Abigail’s hair every day. It’s still rather short , so she’ll still get mistaken for a boy rather often. I’ve been practicing with what I call a “whale spout” ponytail. Funny enough, as soon as I started to do that, no more mistakes have been made, haha.
The Weekly Weather: It was rather warm at the beginning of the week, but has since cooled down nicely. We’ve also had a bit of rain, which is always appreciated.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Work, working on the little free library, and getting the neighborhood Christmas decorations out of storage so that he can have them spruced up enough to install in two weeks (they usually decorate the entrances the Saturday after Thanksgiving). He has to take advantage of sunny days between rain storms.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve pretty much been just pluggin’ along, doin’ the mom thing. 🙂
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He thoroughly enjoyed the bike rodeo (this was the first year he was able to participate). He also enjoyed riding his bike around the neighborhood on one of the clear days we had this past week. Other than that, his days have been full of school, reading fun books, playing games, and entertaining his sister.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been her regular happy self, for the most part. There has been a slight increase in “demanding-ness”, but I figure that comes with the territory. She will be two in just over a month, after all. Both yesterday and today she refused to go in for a nap. Yesterday she seemed fine without it (and so far today seems okay), so we’ll see how it goes, but she might be stopping naps (enter big sigh here from Momma, but I’ll deal, haha). Joseph stopped about this time, so I can’t say that I’m awfully surprised, but I was hoping to stretch it out a little bit longer.
This Week in Pictures: