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A Low-Key, {almost} Picture-less Post

Weekly Happenings: This past week was pretty low-key. We sort of just did the things that were absolutely required (on my part at least). When I think about the fact that we’re done with the first full week of November already, I realize that the holidays are swiftly approaching…so low-key weeks like this are good because soon enough life will be hectic. 🙂

The Weekly Weather: It’s been mostly mild, but we did have one cold front come through that reminded us that it IS November. I love this time of year, though. I hardly ever break a sweat simply by walking outside, haha.

What Paul’s Been Up To: Mostly his regular stuff. He did have to take his car in to get one of the tires looked at since it kept losing air. Luckily, the shop was able to do a patch on it which only cost $10.

What Sarah’s Been Up To: The most notable thing was that I was able to get my stitches out today. Yay! My finger is a bit tender, but it’s nice not having to have to have it wrapped up.

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He used some of his allowance money that he’s been saving to buy a couple of video games, so he’s been enjoying that. He also discovered that he could download some of his favorite comic books onto his tablet, so he’s one happy dude right now. 😉

What Abigail’s Been Up To: Her imaginative play has exploded this past week. If she sees something on one of her shows, she almost immediately starts pretending to do something that the character has just done…or she mimics everyday tasks (as I’m typing this, she’s pretending that the vertical blinds next to the sliding glass door are a mailbox and she’s putting junk mail which she calls “letters” in-between the blinds). It’s fun to witness these milestones.

This Week in Pictures:

I had Joseph take our picture so we could document our matching leggings. 😉
She picked her own clothes and I (realizing we didn’t need to go anywhere where she would have to actually leave the car) conceded. Those are dinosaurs on her leggings, if you’re curious.
I sure love this cutie!
Sometimes it’s a snuggle-under-the-blanket-with-Momma kind of day.
I love catching this view whenever I walk past the piano. It makes me feel all warm and cozy.
She re-discovered the winter hats. 🙂
We got this jacket handed down to us from some friends. Abigail was super-excited to put it on. She said, “I look like a zebra! Neeeiiigh!”
No more stitches and it’s all scabbed over. Yay!

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