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We Survived!

Weekly Happenings: This past week was Joseph’s spring break. I was a bit apprehensive, to be honest. I’ve kind of gotten used to him being gone to school for three hours a day and not having to come up with ways to entertain him all day (and with how much of my time Abigail requires right now, it’s sort of hard to find a way to give him one-on-one attention). Luckily, we did okay. I’m glad he had spring break this past week because it allowed us to start trying to adjust to Daylight Savings Time, which started this past Sunday. I think we’re almost adjusted. 😉 One bonus of DST: we were able to go to the park after dinner last night, since it was still light out. We also went earlier this week and met up with friends to play, but it was nice to be able to go with Paul, too. I also ended up taking Abigail to the doctor because she was still having some digestive issues that started up shortly after getting her immunizations. I wanted to rule out an ear infection (the only reason I could think of for her still having issues). Thankfully she didn’t have one. The doctor gave me some probiotic drops to put into her bottle once a day and that seems to be helping so far (fingers crossed). We’re not sure what exactly was causing it, but hopefully we’ve found a solution.

The Weekly Weather: We’ve had a few cloudy days and a few sunny ones, but all relatively warm. It’s been a nice spring so far. 🙂

What Paul’s Been Up To: In addition to work and school, he’s done some work on the sprinklers in our yards, repairing some of the pipes. He’s also made sure to give Joseph some one-on-one time, which I am incredibly grateful for!

What Sarah’s Been Up To: I took both kids to the library on Monday because I needed to get Abigail’s birth certificate and luckily the library is able to provide those (and I didn’t need to drag both kids to the Vital Records Office). Other than that, not much out of the ordinary…just keeping the small humans happy and healthy, which takes up most of my day. I wouldn’t trade it, though! 🙂

What Joseph’s Been Up To: Getting a lot of relaxing time in during break, mostly. Playing on his 2DS, playing with toys, a park play date, etc. One great thing he came up with was showing me his invention: “baby drool armor 4.0” (Abigial has been rather drooly as of late). He was basically walking around with a burp cloth tucked under his chin. Since it was large enough to cover his entire front, this was good “armor” for him. 😀

What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s been her normal, happy self (which made the digestive issues all the more perplexing, since she had no other symptoms of anything else). She is now weighing in at almost 15 pounds, so she’s gained almost three pounds in three weeks (something we discovered at her doctor’s appointment). I had suspected that she was going through a growth spurt, but had no idea it was that significant. She’s also discovered how to get just her thumb into her mouth and will sometimes prefer that to the binky. I’m hoping it doesn’t become a habit (I didn’t mind the binky because that’s something we can toss out at some point…can’t exactly toss her thumbs, haha). Joseph sucked his thumb, but stopped at 8 months when he got hand, foot, and mouth (from the gym daycare) and it hurt to suck. I guess we’ll see…she IS only just approaching her 3 month old mark.

This Week in Pictures:

Paul and Joseph play something called Mine Test. I believe it’s an open source version of Mine Craft. They are able to build stuff together, which Joseph loves doing. This is a sign that Joseph made for their house. It says, “joseph n dad/s haos n srvr/s” which translates to, “Joseph and Dad’s house and servers”. 😀
Sometime last week, he asked that I make him a drum. He patiently waited for a formula can to be empty and then I put it together. I’m glad he doesn’t set the bar too high for stuff like this, haha.
Abigail in her outfit for church last week. When we got to church I discovered that the socks were too small, so they didn’t stay on too long, but at least she got to wear them once! 😉
Ah…sleeping baby!


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