Weekly Happenings: We made it through another school year! Joseph had a great year this year. He enjoyed getting to be in class with several of his friends, learned a ton, and loved GT. He’s excited to get a break though, too. Abigail and I filled up the first part of the week (when Joseph was still in school) by running errands, going to the library for story time, and going for a play date. She is excited to have her playmate back, though. In other news, the baby bird that was in the nest in our bird feeder survived long enough to fly away. We’ve been trying to give the birds as much space as possible, but it had been a couple of days since I’d seen the parents or any movement. Paul checked inside and found the nest, of course, but no baby bird. I’m relieved, because I was worried it wouldn’t be able to get out. Now we can have our patio back, haha. If we get another bird feeder (we tossed the other one because it would have been too much work to clean it out), we’ll make sure to get one that’s less tempting for birds to nest in, haha.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been overcast, warm, and humid. We’ve also had several thunderstorms move through. The next few days are supposed to be sunny and very warm (breaking 100). I guess summer is officially here.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Work, yard work, lots of Daddy-Joseph time, and relaxing when he gets the chance.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Keeping Abigail entertained, house work, teaching piano, and making sure Joseph got to and from school (I’m not going to miss that over the next 2.5 months).
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He enjoyed the last week of school (especially the last day when his teacher let them bring in electronics). Now he’s soaking up the beginnings of vacation.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She really enjoyed going to story time at the library. It’s designed specifically for young toddlers, so there was a lot of singing and dancing with one short story. Then they got to play with toys like blocks and Duplos. I’d like to try and take her each time (it’s once a week) so that she gets used to a little structure (aside from what she gets with nursery at church).
This Week in Pictures: