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They’ve Flown the Coop!

Weekly Happenings: The big thing that happened this past week was that the baby birds have taken flight. I stepped out onto the back patio (on my way out to water the plants in our garden) and they all took off at once (including Momma-bird). It scared me since they took off all around me. They have not been back to the nest yet (unless they were there over night and gone before we got up this morning), but they did leave a parting gift of poop on my shirt yesterday, lol. Other than that, our week was rather uneventful. We did have a fun Saturday. We went to see the parade that the town close to us (Helotes) had as part of their Cornyval celebration. Here’s a link to the Cornyval website that gives a bit of history about the events. We didn’t go to the carnival or rodeo that’s part of it, though. We went to the zoo instead. 🙂 We then went out for a late lunch (so late that we ended up having dinner right before Joseph went to bed) before heading home.

The Weekly Weather: Unsettled as usual. It was warm and humid on Monday, Tuesday started out cool and breezy (I figured it would warm up later) and then got cold and windy really fast. That was our grocery shopping day. Joseph and I were wearing shorts and T-shirts. When we went into HEB, it was sunny, cool, and breezy. When we came out (about an hour later), it was really cold, overcast, and the wind was really strong. Wednesday, everything was back to normal and it has stayed that way since. This week, we’re supposed to have some more thunderstorms move in.

What Paul’s Been Up To: Paul’s big news is that he will be getting a raise! He will be moving from the library to the IT department and working as a computer technician. While he will miss working with his wonderful boss (who, even though she hated the idea of losing him to another department, was really rooting for him to get it and helped as much as she could) and awesome coworker, he’s excited about this new opportunity. It will raise him from a G6 position to a G7 (which means a raise) and then roughly in a year, he will move up to a G9 position (which will be another raise). We don’t have an official start date for him yet, but we know it will be soon! He also went to see the latest Avengers movie which he said was really good. 🙂

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Mainly musical stuff. I’m getting my piano students ready for our annual recital in June, getting my ward choir ready to sing, etc. I’m also keeping busy with Joseph and trying to remember to water our garden, especially since it’s getting warm.

What Joseph’s Been Up To: His latest thing (when he knows what my answer will be and he knows he won’t like my answer) is to tell me ahead of time to stop talking. An example of this happened yesterday. He knew bedtime was swiftly approaching, but he wanted to watch YouTube videos of Mario Brothers. He told me he was going to ask his Daddy a question and that I couldn’t talk (I guess he was hoping I wouldn’t bring up the fact that it was bedtime and that Daddy wouldn’t notice). Stinker. He also learned a painful lesson this past week: we don’t stomp on fire ant hills that are in our friend’s back yards. Luckily he only got 3 bites on his foot (he was wearing his crocs).

This Week in Pictures:

Here’s the only picture I have of the baby birds. This was last Sunday.
Blossoms on the pumpkin plant. They have since faded. They were either boy blossoms or girl blossoms that didn’t get pollinated. Hopefully we’ll get more!
Blossoms and a baby bell pepper on the plant that I had thought died over the winter. Boy, was I wrong!
Blossoms on the tomato plant. I have since noticed several green tomatoes.
A whole lot of baby blackberries…they were pretty green in this picture but have since started to pink up. I can hardly wait for them to be ripe!
We weren’t expecting any (the Internet and gardening friends had both said that the first year there would be no fruit), but instead, we have a lot!
This boy sure loves sticks. He has declared that these are magic and belong in Link’s (he really likes the Legend of Zelda) world, lol.
One of the floats from the parade.
Sitting on Daddy’s shoulders provides the best view.
Joseph was SUPER excited to see Smokey the Bear.
He also liked all the classic cars.
This is one of the high school marching bands.
Most of the participants were throwing candy. Joseph was happy to get a sucker. As for the stick…well, he’s always happy to find a stick.
Sitting on the Komodo dragon statue. Another set of parents had set their little girl (who looked to be a bit younger than Joseph) down next to it, but she shrieked (perhaps she thought it was real) and refused to take her picture by it. Joseph had no problem running up and climbing aboard on his own.
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