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The Joys of Winter (Tummy Bugs and Cold Weather)

Weekly Happenings: This week was another chill week. I thought that Abigail had kicked whatever bug she had, but on Monday night she popped another fever, this one higher than the ones she had last week. I took her into the doctor to run a strep test and check her ears, because I felt that the fever had come out of nowhere. The strep test came back negative and her ears looked fine. The doctor said that with her one remaining symptom that we talked about, she probably had a stomach bug and a cold at the same time. She was fever-free the next day and symptom-free the day after that. So, that was how we spent the first part of the week. The rest of the week was kind of recovery from the first part, haha.

The Weekly Weather:

We started out warm, but then a cold front moved through.

Much to Joseph’s disappointment, it didn’t actually snow. We just got ice pellets.
The day after that, it was bitterly cold in the morning.
I sort of felt like this owl.

What Paul’s Been Up To: His week was going well until this morning. He pruned the trees in the backyard and was cutting the branches into smaller chunks (he ordered a mini wood chipper that will make it easy for him to mulch the branches so that we don’t have to haul them off somewhere or try to get our trash company to haul them off since they’ll want to charge us extra, but it hasn’t come in yet). The chainsaw kicked back and he sliced his finger pretty bad. I dropped him off at Urgent Care. He’s probably going to need to get some stitches. Poor guy!

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Mostly my normal stuff. Nothing too out of the ordinary on my part.

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He had his 100th day of school this week and got to do some fun activities for that. He also loved getting to learn about solids, liquids, and gasses in science by having root beer floats. Oh, and in GT, he learned about crime scene investigation where they learned about fingerprinting and collecting DNA (they even got to practice collecting their own DNA which was fun).

What Abigail’s Been Up To: I’m relieved that she’s finally feeling better. There was a while where she didn’t want to eat anything, barely wanted to drink anything, and was downright cranky. Now that she’s back to her happy and sweet self, it’s a much better vibe around the house.

This Week in Pictures:

Oh, did I mention that our gas prices are amazing right now? This was at the beginning of the week. When I was driving by the gas station this morning, I noticed that it had dropped even more and was $1.89. It’s crazy, but I’m so grateful for it!
For his 100th Day of School shirt, he wanted Paul to make him another 100 different Pokémon shirt.
Paul found an image online that had 100 different Pokémon and printed it onto an iron-on transfer. Then he ironed it onto a white shirt.
Abigail wanted to be in on the picture taking.
She wanted to do super hero poses, though.
When chilly weather traps you inside, you have no choice but to get cozy and read some books.
Playing dress up is another fun option.
One of my favorite sights when I come down the stairs. I love our home (and that little girl, too)!
Snuggling with brother.
The result of that stinkin’ chainsaw.
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