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Sweets for our Sweets

Weekly Happenings: We had a few more outings, now that more of our friends are no longer sick (and the weather has been gorgeous). Joseph and I met up with friends a couple of times for breakfast and lunch, went to a Valentine’s-themed story time at the library (and then played with friends at the park afterward), played outside, had our friends from across the street over for a play date, and just had a grand old time. Friday, Paul surprised me with some flowers and chocolate (a day early for Valentine’s so that it would really surprise me). Yesterday was Valentine’s itself, so we made it a fun family day. In the morning, we needed to run by Lowe’s to get some metal for a project Paul was doing (attaching it to the wall in our kitchen so that Joseph has a space other than the fridge door for his magnetic ABCs and numbers) and since it happened to be the kid craft day, we stuck around so that Joseph could do a craft. He made a little wood and metal picture frame (the type that has pieces of wood stuck to metal sticks and then the wood pieces have grooves to slide the pictures in). It turned out great! After that, we headed home so that Paul could put up the metal. While he was doing that, I kept Joseph busy by picking some pictures to send to Walmart to print up (you can order them online and then pick them up in the store), since he wanted to put some pictures in his new frame. After that, we went to eat lunch at one of our favorite places, Logan’s Roadhouse (we had a gift card) and then we stopped off at Walmart to get the pictures we ordered. Finally, we decided that since it was such a beautiful day, we’d head out to the zoo. It was crazy busy at the zoo, but overall an awesome day!

The Weekly Weather: It was gorgeous, sunny, and warm all week. It was hard to remember that it was February and not April. It started cooling down today and even rained a bit. It’s supposed to be quite a bit cooler this week with more rain in the forecast.

What Paul’s Been Up To: He planted some tomato seeds in cups so that we can transplant the seedlings later into our garden patch (he also has plans to do blackberries in another part of our yard). He also ordered the new swing set that we’re getting for the back yard. It’s coming this week, and we are pretty excited. Joseph doesn’t know about it at all, so it will be a total surprise. We can hardly wait! Paul also worked on the aforementioned metal project.

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Not too much out of the ordinary, other than the fact that I added another piano student. Choir will be starting back up next week, so some time this week I am going to go through my music and pick out stuff for the next couple of months at least (especially since we have Easter coming up).

What Joseph’s Been Up To: We’ve switched him over to Pull-ups (next step in potty-training), and Paul took the front off of his crib, transforming it into a toddler bed. He’s been really good about it. He goes right to sleep at night and then in the morning, he either gets up and plays with the toys in his room or just lays in bed waiting for me (even though he can get out on his own). Sometimes he’ll get toys and bring them back to bed with him. We did stick a pool noodle under his sheet, next to the edge of the mattress so that there’s a bit of a barrier (so he doesn’t roll out). We’ll eventually take that out when he’s more used to not having the extra side up. One funny thing that happened this week was that when we were at Chick-fil-a with friends, he decided to strip down completely to his Pull-up while in the play-place. A friend brought this to my attention, so I went in to see what on Earth was going on. Apparently he knew he needed a diaper change. (?!) Well, we’ll just chalk it up to adventures in potty-training, lol.

This Week in Pictures:

He was pretty excited to be in a “big boy bed”.
Demonstrating just how he was going to sleep.
Story time at the library.
After they were done with the stories, they got to decorate a heart-shaped cookie. Joseph ate every bite of it as soon as he finished decorating it.
Showing off the heart butterfly he made.
There is a park really close to the library where the story time was held, so we went to play afterward. Joseph loved this climbing wall.
He also loved playing with his friend Boone (and sticks and rocks).
He got a scrape, so I gave him the “boo-boo bunny” out of the freezer. At one of our Yellow Ribbon events, the woman who taught the parenting seminar helped us each make one. It’s a wash cloth rolled up and tied to look like a bunny.
My flowers and chocolate. The colors are a bit off in the picture. They are burgundy/purple and bright green (almost the same color as the chairs) chrysanthemums. I can hardly believe Paul found bright green flowers. I love them!
Hammering his frame together.
They found the floor to be a better place to work.
It was much less shaky than the table.
The finished product (the pictures fit into grooves that are in the hearts).
He had so much fun, I think I’d like to take him back next month for the next craft (especially since they’re free!). Joseph was super excited that he got to keep the apron and goggles. Oh, and he got a patch with the craft name on it that I sewed onto his apron when we got home.
Joseph’s new magnet board. This will make meal prep a lot easier for me. Before, he would often want to play with them while I was trying to make meals (and needing to get items from the fridge) so I would shoo him away and I always felt bad afterward for doing so. Now he can play and not be in my direct path (plus the front of the fridge is a lot neater). 🙂
My dates for Valentine’s Day lunch.
At the zoo. He loves this Komodo dragon statue. Every time he sees it, he calls it his friend, lol.
Checking out the parrots, who are checking him out.
The obligatory photo on the bronze elephant.
Cheesin’ it up with the hippos.
Another obligatory photo…this time on the hippo statue.
Feeding the fish…definitely one of his favorite things to do.


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