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Spring Has Sprung

Weekly Happenings: We are full on into spring, with summer approaching quickly. After the bustle that comes with vacation, I was kind of ready to have a low-key week. Luckily, so was Joseph. 🙂 We didn’t do too much this past week besides hang out at home and relax. One exciting development is that there are baby birds in the nest that is on our back patio. Momma-bird is always bustling back and forth bringing food for the hungry little mouths that are waiting. Paul mentioned that we need to keep our eyes open for grackles (a scavenger-type bird that is similar to a crow) since they are the type that would go after baby birds. I’m not too worried about cats because of where the nest is. It will be fun watching them grow up!

The Weekly Weather: It has mostly been cooler and raining off and on. It’s the typical Texas weather. One day will be warmer and sunny and the next will be cooler and rainy. I can’t really complain, though. I’m grateful for each drop of rain that falls!

What Paul’s Been Up To: The main thing that happened this past weekend was that Paul headed up our second neighborhood park clean-up. We had another good turnout (and the weather cooperated), and some of the neighbors even brought snow cones that were left over from a school festival that they had worked at that morning. It’s nice to band together as a neighborhood for something that is for the good of the community. Other than that, he enjoyed his brief “spring break” from school (he starts back up this week) and has been Joseph’s best buddy (if he’s not around, I will do, but Daddy is definitely Joseph’s favorite right now…I love it!).

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Not too much. I need to get some more music for my choir picked out since we sung the last two pieces that I had pulled today as part of our ward conference (oh yeah, a new bishop was called today…our current bishop, Bishop Doty, is moving out of state, so Bishop Jenks was called to replace him…I’m guessing we’re going to be getting a new Primary president next week, since the current one is married to the bishop and that is usually something they try to avoid to keep too much stress from coming onto one family). I am also going to be collaborating with my friend who teaches voice lessons to see if we can have a joint recital (with my piano students and her voice students) at the end of May. So I am currently helping my students pick out pieces that they can have ready in a month. 🙂

What Joseph’s Been Up To: Cuteness as usual. He has decided sometime during the past few days that he needs to go potty standing up, which has made things (surprisingly) a bit easier…especially since he has better aim than what I anticipated. 😉 He’s also been showing us just how much he picks up from watching some of his favorite shows, one being Doc McStuffins (an animated show about a little girl who is a “doctor” to stuffed animals and toys). In the show, Doc often will make up words to go with diagnoses since stuffed animals and toys obviously have different ailments than humans. Well, one afternoon, I was laying on the couch, resting. I heard Joseph come up to me. He put his hand on my forehead and then whispered, “Hmmmm…must be a case of ‘Momatosis’.” He then patted my arm and ran off to play. Hysterical, kid…just hysterical. I wonder if I can claim I have “Momatosis” every time I want a nap? 😉 He also made sure to thank Heavenly Father during the lunch prayer today that “Daddy was better from his ‘Daditis’.” I think that came from an experience yesterday when Paul was sitting with Joseph on the couch. Paul was trying to rest, while Joseph was peeling his eyes open, telling him to wake up. Paul said that he had “Daditis”…Joseph didn’t buy it, lol.

This Week in Pictures: After last weeks huge picture haul, I didn’t take too many this week…

The obligatory “kid sitting in bluebonnets” shot that solidifies our Texan residency. 😉
I picked up some new plates, cups, and bowls for Joseph. He thoroughly enjoys them.
Showing me how strong he is. 🙂
Our blackberries. I ought to have taken a picture last week when there were more blooms on there (now there are a ton of baby berries).
The park clean-up crew.



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