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Some of My Favorite Things

This was such a typical week, that I think I’m going to break from my regular format. Everybody did stuff, but it was pretty much the same stuff that we’ve been typically doing. The weather is pretty much the same as it’s been, so I’m not sure it warrants readdressing. So, this time around, I thought I’d just talk about the subject matter of the pictures I’ve taken this week. I’ve noticed a theme with my pictures: my plants and my babies. So much growth happens with both of those. I’ve seen my plants awakening with the longer, warmer days. They require nurture in the form of water, sunlight, soil, and air. Children are no different. They require physical nourishment, of course, but they also benefit greatly from love and kindness as we raise them; teaching them right from wrong and how to navigate this world that can simultaneously be amazing and terrifying. I love seeing the growth of my plants and I love seeing the growth of my children. I love seeing their relationship with one another grow. I love seeing the love they have for one another. I’m so grateful we’ve been blessed with those two little souls to guide and to raise.

This is a new favorite picture of them.
She wanted me to build tracks around her when she was laying on the floor. I didn’t quite make it (it’s a little short) because I ran out of curved pieces, but she was still pretty happy with it. She then wanted me to take a picture of her train tracks. 🙂 I hope she maintains this strong creative streak she has going!
Personal space is highly overrated, is it not? 😉
I just can’t get over the color of the mint right now. It’s one of my favorites!
We’ve got our first tomato!
The blossoms on my broom plants are starting to pop!
I took this picture outside, but I love looking at the blossoms through my windows.
Our backyard is one of my favorite places during the spring. The trees are big enough now to actually cast a significant amount of shade.
The tree in the front is doing really well (it doesn’t have any real competition for water, I suppose).
I love seeing him read to her.
When Joseph was a baby (and Paul was deployed to the Middle East), Paul got this book (which is one of those books where you can record yourself reading it), recorded it, and mailed it home to us. We wanted Joseph to be able to hear Paul’s voice. Joseph loved listening to it for a long time. Now, Abigail loves to listen to it.
We’ve got a new rosebud!
February’s snow storms did in the plants we had back here, so Paul ran to Lowe’s today and grabbed some replacements. He went with geraniums, which I think will do well.
He also got some new flowers for the front yard, under the tree (the snow knocked those all out, too). He got periwinkles (which we’ve had before) and snapdragons. He also had spread some wildflower seeds there a couple weeks ago, which have sprouted (that’s what that kind of grassy patch behind the trunk is) but we needed something to fill in the rest.
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