Weekly Happenings: This week was really a mixed bag. It consisted of Joseph getting sick, recovering, a trip to the Kiddie Park (a cool kids’ amusement park downtown that’s from the 1920s), Joseph’s awards ceremony, Paul getting sick, a trip to the zoo, Abigail getting sick, and finally ended with me getting sick. Let’s just say that stomach bugs will take their toll on EVERYBODY. Luckily we all seem to be better (I’m still quite weak, but recovering).
The Weekly Weather: warm, humid, breezy, and the like. Pretty typical for late May.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He has been busy with his normal stuff. The aforementioned stomach bug attacked him right as we got to Joseph’s awards ceremony. He was able to hold it together long enough to see Joseph get his award, but then went home. He got better just in time to take care of me a few days later.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I spent most of the week taking care of the sickies before I got sick myself. At least the bug had the decency to kind of stagger itself so that there was at least one of the adults well at a time.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He was the first to get sick (a week ago). He enjoyed our trip to the Kiddie Park, liked hanging out with his friends at his awards ceremony, and enjoyed getting to leave early that day to go to the zoo.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She got sick the same day as Paul, but later (after we got back from the zoo). I mostly cuddled her for two days and then just waited for it to hit me, haha.
This Week in Pictures:
For a while now, I’ve wanted to print up some snapshots of the kids and frame them. I finally got around to doing it and I love how it turned out. Our life is not formal, so it’s only fitting the pictures represent that. 🙂She crashed while watching a show.I moved her around, thinking I’d wake her up, but no dice.When she finally woke up, she almost immediately asked for “the shark”. This is a very popular cartoon song with toddlers right now, but I didn’t realize she would remember it well enough to ask for it. I think she’s seen it two times.Okay, this beats all. I was standing on our back porch and noticed movement coming from inside the bird feeder. My first thought was that wasps or bees had moved in and made a nest.Well, while it was a nest, it wasn’t for insects. It’s a bird’s nest. INSIDE my bird feeder. The movement I saw was a gaping baby bird’s beak. Pretty soon, the momma flew up and I watched her wedge herself down to feed her baby the bug she had brought back. Our current plan is to leave them be since we don’t really know what else to do.Kiddie Park fun.This was the first time Abigail has been able to go on the rides (the last time we went she was still a baby).She had so much fun!Riding the Ferris wheel.They both really enjoyed these planes.I love that all the rides are original.Joseph was shooting pretend enemies out of the air.I think this one was probably their favorite.Riding the school bus.Joseph had just gotten over his stomach bug, so we were watching him closely to make sure the spinny rides weren’t too much for his tummy.Rockin’ the boat.Abigail liked it whenever there was a steering wheel of any type.She also kept trying to reach over to touch the water…luckily she didn’t actually touch it.Her face says it all in this one.These metal cars were a favorite, too.Joseph loved seeing how much Abigail loved the rides.On the carousel.Hey! I got him to smile!Can you spot the baby? She thought she had hidden so well, haha.At his awards ceremony.One of his new friends.These two were happy to be in the same class this year (they had been in pre-k together but were in different kinder classes last year).He’s going to miss this guy, who will be moving soon. They’ve been friends since we moved here.Another of his new friends.I couldn’t help but snap a picture of him and his cupcake-loving pal.Another fun friend.Checking out the kangaroos.Yet another shot of my favorite animal at the zoo: the okapi.Abigail loves elephants.Checking out the Nile crocodile.The miniature mongoose were super curious.They both really loved checking them out.Zebras!Checking out the lions.Learning about feline bone structure.Checking out the giraffes.The ostrich was rather curious about us.After such a fun morning at the zoo, I was not expecting a sick baby.She was better enough the next day to ask for noodles for lunch.The day after that, she was asking me to put onion rings on her fingers.This was from this morning. After I was down for the count all of yesterday, Abigail was a bit clingy this morning.I love how much she loves to play with this thing. And last, but not least: we’re officially into June!