Weekly Happenings: This past week was rather uneventful. I don’t mind, though, because after the crazy rush of the holidays (which I also love for different reasons), it’s nice to slow back down to normal pace.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been a real mix. We have had days that have been sunny and warm, days that have been foggy and cold, and even days that were sunny and cold.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He was able to get all the neighborhood decorations taken down. He’s also been busy as all get-out at work. Today he’s gone off for a much-deserved break. He got himself a ticket for the gaming convention downtown (table-top, RPG, video gaming, etc.) and is meeting up with friends down there.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I got to attend my monthly book club meeting, which was a hoot as usual. I also got to attend the temple this morning with some of my sweet Relief Society sisters. It was a wonderfully spiritual experience.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He has been ticking away at school. He was bemoaning the fact that his little toy recorder (it was a prize-box quality one, so it didn’t really work) was no longer around, so I dug out my recorder from college and gave him that one. That was two days ago and he’s already got a modified version of “Hot Cross Buns” memorized. He was also excited that I was the “surprise guest reader” for his class yesterday. Basically, parents are able to sign up for time slots on Friday mornings to come read to the class. The kids never know who’s parent is going to show up, so it’s super fun for them.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: An allergy attack of epic proportions has her a little runny-nosed (luckily with a regimen of allergy medicine in place, the crazy cough has finally abated), but still happy as always. She is starting to pick up on the routine things that we do and will remind us in her own way if we have forgotten a step, haha. The other night, Joseph and Paul were out while I was getting her ready for bed. After I got her into her pajamas, she immediately folded her arms, ready for prayer, and said, “Pray?” Then, after we finished prayer, she started to wave her arms around like she always does when we sing a fun I love you song…so of course I needed to sing the song. Then she was ready for bed. Sometimes, if she’s still awake after her night-light turns off (one of them is on a timer), she’ll say, “Oh no! Light!” and then occasionally she’ll add (rather tearfully), “I sad!” If I happen to hear this through the monitor, I’ll go up and comfort her a bit, after which she usually settles right down. It’s sad sounding, but cute to hear her little communication. She’s becoming rather parrot-like, which is entertaining for all of us,
This Week in Pictures: