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Weekly Happenings: This past week was pretty much spent at home. Abigail was fighting a cold so we pretty much just hung around the house. We did have friends over last night for dinner and game playing, which was fun.

The Weekly Weather: It’s been typical for this time of year: some warm days, some cold days…this is the time of year that I’m especially grateful that Paul upgraded our thermostat. We’ve got one that will either pop on the heat if it gets below a certain temperature or pop on the AC if it gets above a certain temperature. There have been days where we’ve used both the AC and the heat. Crazy Texas!

What Paul’s Been Up To: There hasn’t been too much out of the ordinary for him. Work and his calling at church keep him pretty busy.

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Extra snuggles for the most part. The only time Abigail really wants to snuggle is when she’s hurt, sad, or sick. I did take some time to put out my Valentine’s Day decor since today is the first day of February.

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s back into the swing of things at school. His 100th day of school is approaching this next week. It’s hard to believe that in four months it’ll be summer break again. The years seem to fly by faster and faster.

What Abigail’s Been Up To: Even though she’s been sick (thankfully she’s better now), she hasn’t slowed down much. She loves playing in the loft, and it’s fun to hear her as she plays because her imaginative play is exploding right now.

This is how Abigail spent a lot of the first part of the week.
I love getting to update my word board for each upcoming month.
I also love how quick it is to switch out decorations on my piano.
I added hearts under the shelf by the powder room.
I don’t remember just how long ago I made this, but I still love the look (and the fact that I managed to put it together with supplies I already had laying around the house.
My friend brought her boys for their piano lessons a couple of days ago. Abigail was downstairs and convinced my friend to help her bundle up with all the cold weather gear. I thought this particular wrap up was rather ingenious.
Paul spent a good chunk of the day pruning the live oak tree in our front yard.
He also took the plants out of the planter box, put them in pots (and repotted a couple of the other plants that were already in pots but needed different sized pots), tore out the planter box (the wood was starting to rot on the bottom…he said it seemed like it was almost soil-like), and did this stone planter. We’re going to leave the plants in the pots as part of the design.
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