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Loving This Spring Weather!

Weekly Happenings: This past week was relatively uneventful. We did all of the normal things with little exception. We did take advantage of the beautiful weather and went to the park a few times and had a couple of play dates, but other than that, we pretty much just hung around the house. The weekend thus far has been pretty relaxing, what with having the option of watching General Conference while snuggled up on the couch in comfy clothes. 🙂

The Weekly Weather: It’s been a bit cooler than average, and we had a couple different storms come through. I must admit that it’s been nice. It’ll be warm enough once late spring and summer (who am I kidding; toss early fall into that category) come along.

What Paul’s Been Up To: He hasn’t done too much out of the ordinary. He’s got finals coming up for his online courses, so life will be a bit less stressful (for a bit, at least) after this upcoming Wednesday. 🙂

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Not too much out of the ordinary for me, either. One of my students had her last lesson this past week (her schedule is getting too busy for piano), but I had another one start, so I’m staying pretty consistent on my enrollment.

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He seemed to enjoy the multiple park trips and play dates that we had, as well as when I took him to meet up with friends at a nearby doughnut shop that just opened up. After getting doughnuts, one of my friends offered to have us come over. Her son and Joseph are pretty close in age, so they played together rather well. So well, in fact, that on the way home, Joseph made sure to tell me that if anything were ever to happen to his friend’s house, his friend could come live with us. 🙂 I love that he makes friends so quickly and easily.

This Week in Pictures:

Helping to water the wildflower sprouts that Paul planted in all the planter boxes around our trees as well as in the area around our blackberries.
“Hey, Mom! Look at me!” He was so proud of himself for getting up there (the ladder for the slide is handy like that) that I couldn’t help but snap his picture.
In between Conference sessions yesterday, Paul used some scrap wood that was in the garage to make a little set of steps for Joseph. I love that he utilizes his talents in making nice things for us!
Joseph drew pictures of himself, holding hands with President Eyring and President Uchdorf (two of the counselors to the prophet and president of our church).
I love the sweet innocence of children that leads them to recognize the kindness of the leaders of our church, helping them to believe that if given the option, our leaders would willingly hold the hands of our little children, leading and guiding them back to our Heavenly Father.


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