It’s crazy to think we have less than two weeks left of school. This next week will house an awards ceremony for Abigail, and a water day for her as well. The next week will be class parties for the both of them, and then Joseph’s promotion on the last day of school. I work one day after they’re done and then I’m off, too. I’ll have at least one training to attend during the summer (maybe more, but I’ll see what the schedule is like) before starting back next year. Right now, I’m in limbo between two grades. The principal really wants to move me down to fourth, but it can be challenging finding people to teach fifth, so I may stay put. I’ll hopefully know more in a couple of weeks once all transfers have gone through. I’ve also been studying for my last big test, which I take on June 8th. I have yet to hear back on if I passed the test I took two weeks ago (hopefully I’ll hear back in the next week or so), but I really hope I pass it and this next one so that I can be DONE with testing. Joseph had his last grade-level performance. The music teacher had some songs playing and the kids played a sort of descant to the main melody for each song. I thought it was brilliant. It was a way they could play with limited knowledge (the teacher said they were focusing on three major notes) and have it sound really good. He also had his GT Showcase where he showed off the structure he built (He built the Tower of the Americas) and his dream room. These went perfectly with the GT theme of structures. Oh, and our new stove came in. Our old one was still functioning, but a couple of the burners have been randomly running hot without responding to us turning down the heat (unless we turn them completely off), so when Paul was looking around and noticed a good one that was on sale, we jumped on it and got set up with a new one. It’s been nice not having a possessed cooktop, haha.