Weekly Happenings: It’s hard to believe that we’re almost to July. We’ve mostly been staying home, but we did escape the house once to meet up with some friends at the zoo. We met up in the Tiny Tot Nature Spot (a sort of secluded spot that has a little river running through it, where they could just run around and play). We just stayed there and let the kids play for a couple of hours. They got soaked from head-to-toe (especially after Joseph and his friend found out that they could shoot water at each other from two outdoor sinks, haha), but had a blast.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been mostly warm and dry, but we did have a couple of rain storms come through, which was nice. Yesterday was a random cooler day with the highs only reaching into the low 80s. It was really nice! We have been dealing with increased dust in the air, since a huge dust cloud from the Saharan Desert came over via the trade winds. Luckily we knew it was going to happen, so we started taking allergy medicine a few days before it really hit.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been busy with work and with squeezing in yard work into the mix. He did me a huge favor and sprayed for bugs since we’d been getting attacked by mosquitoes (’tis the season, I suppose).
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I managed to get the house cleaned (it’s a lot easier now that I’m back in my routine) and kept the kids happy (most of the time). That’s a win-win in my book.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He has been really good about playing with Abigail while I do “Mom stuff”. While I hope that he can go back to school in the fall (for the sake of everyone in this pandemic madness; wanting some sense of normalcy to be back by then), I’ll miss his help!
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She had an absolute blast getting to play in the water at the zoo. There was one point where I looked over and both kids had sat down in the river…I hadn’t thought they would get wet enough to warrant me needing to bring changes of clothes or towels…I should have known better, haha. They had fun, at least. We also left after that, so they weren’t stuck in sopping wet clothes for too long.
This Week in Pictures: