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California Vacation – Family Time

One great thing about our trip was that we were able to spend a lot of time with family. We got to see Mom and Dad, of course, but we also got to see Aaron and Dusty and their family, along with Aaron and Tara and their family. One of my favorite memories is hearing Joseph shriek, “Go, go, go!” as my nephew Andrew pulled him in the wagon. 🙂 We also celebrated my birthday and Joseph’s birthday since it was almost time for them. 🙂 AND we introduced Joseph to Ralph, my parent’s desert tortoise, that they got when I was very young. He’s definitely older than I am!

Birthday cake!
Yum! Carrot cake!
He LOVED the wagon
Seriously…we couldn’t get him out of it
This…is Ralph…the best desert tortoise, ever!
Checking out Ralph
Smiles for Daddy
Feeding Ralph one of his favorites: tomatoes
Ralph LOVES tomatoes

In this video, you can totally hear Joseph saying, “Go, go, go!”:

This is a video of Joseph “hula-hooping” with the help of one of his cousins:

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