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Back To Reality

This past week, we pretty much recovered from our spontaneous trip to California, put our house back together (we had left it in a rather disorganized state when we left because we were trying to beat roads icing over and another storm headed our way), and got back into our routine. The weather has been warmer (it is almost March, after all), for which we are all grateful. I’ve had a taste of what a real winter is like and I don’t care for it much, haha. Bring on spring with its warmer temps, wildflowers, sunshine, and warm breezes!

Our local weather station posted this graphic. It’s crazy!
Sometimes humor helps when dealing with a crazy situation. I found this on Facebook and had to laugh.
This was another one that made me laugh…but the extended power outages really did test us!
See now, this is what I’m used to for winter. 😉
Warm sunshine…no snow…I’m okay with this.
We even went to the park one day.
She loves it when her brother reads to her.
With it being almost March, I updated our house with St. Patrick’s Day stuff. I made this shamrock banner a couple years ago using string and some scrapbook paper (I traced around a wooden shamrock I have so that all three of the paper shamrocks would be the same size and shape).
I updated my board for March with a portion of one of my favorite Gaelic blessings: “May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
My other St. Patrick’s Day decorations. The larger shamrock says: “May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go.”
Cute story: Abigail spotted the leprechaun and asked me why we had a clown sitting inside a witch’s pot. 😂
Our door decoration.
Someone decided to give herself a Greek yogurt facial.
As I was getting her ready to get into the tub (because, really…there was no other choice) she admonished me to be careful because she didn’t want to get yogurt on her shirt. 😂🤔😂
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