Weekly Happenings: It’s hard to believe that we’re already a few days into March. Time just seems to be moving faster and faster. This past week contained a couple of nights where Abigail and I went out for a couple of events (a baby shower and a Relief Society activity), fun days at school for Joseph (it was Read Across America week), and a big milestone for Abigail (a change in sleeping arrangements).
The Weekly Weather: It’s been a mix of warm, cool, and rainy (yesterday it rained pretty much all day). We’re supposed to get more of the same this next week as well. I know it’s not spring according to the calendar just yet, but I think spring has hit South Texas!
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been busy with work, projects and exams for school, and Scouts. He also did most of the moving around of stuff as we moved Abigail from our room into hers.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: As mentioned before, I attended a baby shower for a close friend and also attended the Relief Society birthday dinner for our ward (celebrating the anniversary of the organization of the Relief Society for our church). Abigail came along with me to both and did stellar. Other than that, it was a pretty average week for me.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: As mentioned before, it was Read Across America week, which meant that there were several fun dress-up days that he got to do. The only one I got a picture of was “Nerd Day” because the result was pretty amusing. He also had a fun time going to Scouts with Paul since it was a fun night of playing video games for the boys.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: As eluded to a couple of times already, we moved Abigail out of our room and into her own on Friday. Saturday, Paul hung some shelves and some decorations. It turned out pretty cute. She’s doing fine there (she’s really too young to know much of a difference yet, so I think it was a good thing for us to do at this point) and we have a monitor that has two receivers so that I can have one in our room and one downstairs.
This Week in Pictures: