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All Sorts of Fun

Weekly Happenings: It was a week full of fun dress-up days for Joseph, fun projects for me and Paul, and fun new-to-her toys for Abigail. I’ll explain more as we go. 🙂

The Weekly Weather: It’s been all over the place. We had one day that got into the 80s (most days have been in the 60s-70s), but it’s supposed to drop drastically tomorrow night when a cold front moves in and we’ll only hit the mid-40s. Guess I need to pull my plants in at least one more time (since our lows are supposed to be below freezing).

What Paul’s Been Up To: Every once in a while, Paul will have meetings at our house (either related to church or to our HOA) and he’s thought for a while that it would be neat to have a TV in the dining room that he can connect his computer to, essentially creating a large projector of sorts. Well, this past week, he made it happen. He’s even framing it out so that it looks all pretty. 🙂

What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve done some organizing, some donating of unused items, re-homed Abigail’s crib, and the like. I also attended my monthly book club meeting. I seriously look forward to this night all month. It’s so nice seeing my friends and having an intelligent conversation about the book we read is rather refreshing after a day full of cartoons, toys, and the occasional tantrum. Oh, and I started up teaching piano. I had one student start this past week and more start next week. I have a total of eight signed up so far.

What Joseph’s Been Up To: He had dress-up days all this past week to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday. I didn’t get a single picture, except one that a friend got of him dressed up as his favorite book character during a parade (which I missed since it was during nap time)…oh well! He was also a huge help watching Abigail during my piano time. There are times when I dislike the gap between them (mainly because I often feel like I sort of “started over” because they are so far apart), but other times it’s great (like when he can watch her).

What Abigail’s Been Up To: She’s getting used to her big girl bed and the freedom that comes with it. She’s also been throwing more tantrums…I try my hardest to put myself in her shoes. How frustrating it must be to want something (or not want something) and not know how to express it? To feel a sense of independence but find that you’re not completely free to do as you choose 24/7? This too shall pass, small one. Momma loves you!

This Week in Pictures:

With an open bed, sometimes we find her like this.
We got this play kitchen from a friend. Abigail has been over the moon!
We also got this ride-on toy. It’s a Minnie Mouse plane and Abigail loves riding it and also pushing it around (not to mention hiding stuff in the seat, which lifts up).
I got a new sign for my kitchen. I think it matches the other decor I have in there a bit better than what I had there before (a kind of European-style sign that had the word EAT spelled out with fancy-looking utensils). I knew I wanted something to match the style of the old Coke sign I had there and this new sign fits perfectly. I also love the mix of wood and metal.
With March already here, it was time to decorate for St. Patrick’s Day!
Both kids really like this little guy.
I love Irish blessings!
This is probably my favorite holiday door-hanger that I have. I love the mix of metal, wood, and burlap.
A new month means a new quote!
At least I had a moment to put my feet up while she played, right?
Pretending to give Joseph a drink.
At his storybook character parade.
Part of framing out the TV is needing to Abigail-proof the cord…
Another part is to make an opening in the side so that the different outlets for cables are accessible.
It’s almost done…
Paul framed out the front this afternoon.
A side view of the frame. Now all it needs is paint and stain.
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