Most of this week was pretty rainy. I guess the almanac was right in saying that May is one of the rainiest months in San Antonio. The main road out of our neighborhood has been washed out twice this week (and is currently still closed). Luckily, there is more than one way to get out of the neighborhood, so we haven’t been stranded at all. You know that there’s been a lot of rain when even the ducks look for higher ground! 😉

We took advantage of the breaks in the rain to get Joseph out of the house (avoiding getting cabin fever). We took walks and enjoyed beautiful scenery and sunsets:

We also made sure to frequent the park. It’s really nice having a park in our development. Joseph loves looking at rocks and sticks. He likes to hit the sticks against the different playground equipment to hear the different sounds (I think he does this more than actually playing on the equipment, lol). One of his new words this week was “park” (said in a questioning tone as we drove by one day…almost as if he were asking if we were going to stop and play).
The major thing that happened this week was that we decided to completely stop using baby food with Joseph. He’s been doing really well with snacks, so we decided to see what happened if we started feeding him table food all the time. It’s gone remarkably well! He doesn’t want to eat as much in one sitting as he did with the baby food, so I just offer him more snacks throughout the day. He still has a bit of a hard time chewing certain meats, so I try to give him other high protein things (like peanut butter or scrambled eggs) to make up for that. His occupational therapist was really impressed and thinks that we’ll be able to stop having therapy visits soon (she wants to continue for a bit longer to make sure that he doesn’t regress). It’s nice to not have to buy any more baby food, and meal time is a lot easier. It makes going out to eat a bit easier as well.
New words/phrases for this week: park (as mentioned before), happy, dance, pretty song (he said that today after we finished singing the Sacrament hymn at church)…and so much more, I’m sure. I can’t seem to keep up with it anymore!