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A Much Better Week

Weekly Happenings: This past week was much better since Joseph was finishing up his antibiotic. So far, no fever, so I hope it means the strep throat was beaten at last. He had a bit of a cough and runny nose, but seemed to be better when we gave him his allergy medicine, so I think it was just allergies bugging him. We hung around the house, mostly so that Joseph could build up his strength again. On Wednesday, we met Paul at his work to give him some things he needed and ended up staying to have lunch with him. Joseph really liked that. Saturday was our super fun day. We went to the zoo and then came home in time to rest for a bit before having the missionaries over to have dinner (Joseph was very excited about this…he loves the missionaries).

The Weekly Weather: It’s been rather nice. The mornings have been overcast and cooler, even raining on occasion. Then it would clear up for the rest of the day. Just enough rain to keep everything green and beautiful. I love living where we live (outside of city limits). When I drive around and see all the trees, bushes, and wildflowers, it’s so nice!

What Paul’s Been Up To: He finished up a project that involved putting up a shelf and some decorations (along with some of Joseph’s books). I’ll post a picture a bit later. I really like it. He is so handy and great at figuring out how to do things around the house. I’ve got a really great guy. 🙂

What Sarah’s Been Up To: Mainly teaching piano and keeping Joseph happy and healthy. I did have choir practice at our house the past two Sundays. It’s been nice to build up my confidence slowly but surely. 🙂

What Joseph’s Been Up To: His cute self, as usual. We emptied out all of the books that had been in his closet, so he has been having a ball looking at all the new books. He has also demonstrated that he recognizes some pretty big words on sight. When we were at the zoo, he saw a sign for the elephant (no picture, just the word), studied it for a bit,  and said, “Elephants this way!” He also recognized the word “train” that was printed on the tickets we got to ride the little train that goes around the zoo and nearby park. He also has been showing his manners. I’ll do something rather small and he will say, “Oh, thank you, thank you!”

This Week in Pictures:

He loves to look at books.
Hanging out with the lion statue.
An auto-awesome that Paul got of Joseph.
He loves the lion.
Joseph loves to brush the goats at the petting zoo portion of the zoo.
He was fascinated by this little guy chewing his cud.
He needed to see it from every angle.
On the train at the zoo/park.
Joseph was really excited. He’s asked to ride the train many, many times. He was happy we finally did it.
The train goes past part of the zoo, but mostly winds around the huge park that is right next to the zoo. It was about a 20 minute ride. Joseph did NOT want to get off (in fact, he pitched a royal fit).
Checking out the books that were going up in the shelf.
Our new shelf. Paul’s goal was to get all of Joseph’s books out of his closet. We have a couple shelves in his bedroom (along with a box of books that he can look at), a box of books downstairs in his reading nook, and these ones. The vase is a piece that Gary did, and the birdhouse is from one of the vendors at the farmers’ market/street fair that we like to go to. It was originally destined for outside, but I was sort of afraid that bees would build a nest in it instead of birds. The long sign was what Tara made me for my birthday/a housewarming present. I have a copy of the picture I got of some Gulf wildflowers and grasses and then there’s also a picture of the moon (Paul’s idea and I love it) to go with Tara’s sign. 🙂
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