I’m breaking from my typical format for this post mainly because we had a very atypical week. I don’t remember if I mentioned it in my previous post, but my back went all sorts of wonky, which landed me in Urgent Care (thankfully we have a lot of stand-alone UCs, so we were able to find one that wasn’t busy). I left with some muscle relaxers and some Ibuprofen 800…and hardly being able to move without being in pain or without having severe muscle spasms. It’s now been a full week and I’m just barely starting to be able to get around. Paul jumped right into the trenches and took over everything. I am so, so grateful for his willingness to do so and for the fact that he was able to take time off of work so I could focus on healing. I’ve still got a ways to go, but I think (fingers crossed) that by Monday I’ll be able to handle enough of my daily tasks so that he can return to work, because I know he’s really needed there, too. Since I’ve mostly been in bed, I didn’t take too many pictures this week, but I got a few: