Weekly Happenings: This past week, the main attraction was definitely Halloween. Earlier in the day, we painted pumpkins which the kids really enjoyed. Paul stayed home and handed out candy (he sat 6 feet away from a table that he had set up with candy spread out so that the kids could go and pick out some candy). He also had our projector out, playing “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” using our garage door as a backdrop. I took the kids around to trick-or-treat. A lot of people did similar things as us (candy spread out, pre-packed treat bags, etc.). A few came up with some more involved plans. One house had a candy chute using a long PVC pipe. They stuck the candy in the chute and it shot out the bottom into the kids’ buckets. Another place used a remote control car to “deliver” bags of candy. We only went to four streets before the kids’ buckets were full. It was a super fun night!
The Weekly Weather: We had one day this past week that was really cold (it didn’t even get up to 50). The mornings have been rather cold, but then it’s warmed up into the 70s by the afternoon.
What Paul’s Been Up To: Working, getting stuff done for election day, getting HOA stuff done, etc. He’s been elected to the HOA board and it looks like the turnover from the builder to the homeowners is going to happen relatively soon.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: All my normal stuff! I did also host a virtual Pampered Chef party which was a lot of fun.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He loved getting to wear a costume to school on Friday. He also has decided he wants me to teach him piano. It’ll be a fun adventure!
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She insisted on wearing a costume to school drop-off on the day when Joseph got to wear his costume. 😀 Also, she cracked me up when she was playing school some time this week. She got her lunch box and backpack and then came up to me and asked me to beep her forehead. At first, I had no idea what she was referring to, but then I remembered that every morning, Joseph gets his temperature taken by a staff member before entering the school. I guess it’s another sign of 2020. 😉
This Week in Pictures:

Bonus Video: Joseph loves making up challenges for himself. This time, it was an underhand toss followed by an overhand catch.