Weekly Happenings: Not too much out of the ordinary happened this past week. We mainly just trucked along.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been typical February weather: a mix of everything, haha.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been kept pretty busy with work, school, and the like. He got to go hang out and play games with some other guys in Elder’s Quorum, so that was a nice break for him.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I’ve been mainly keeping the kids relatively healthy and happy while fighting off quite the allergy attack. It seems to slowly be getting better, but man…
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He got to celebrate the 100th day of school which was a day full of fun, games, music, and the like. Paul made him another Pokémon shirt with 100 different Pokémon on it to wear.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: She seems to be on the tail-end of whatever has been bugging her. I ended up taking her into the doctor because she would be fine during the day, but then at night, her temperature would raise a bit. The doctor didn’t really see much amiss other than one ear that had quite a bit of fluid in it. It wasn’t infected, but she wants me to bring Abigail back in this next Thursday to check and make sure it’s draining.
This Week in Pictures:

1 Comment To "The 100th Day of School (and other things)"
#1 Comment By Barbara diamond On February 13, 2018 @ 8:58 am
What a fun family!