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This past week had a pretty typical start to it, but I wanted to squeeze in one more fun thing with the kids before school starts on Monday. We drove downtown to Hemisfair Park to play and then walked over to the Tower of the Americas, which is the tallest building in San Antonio. We went all the way up to the top observation deck, which is 579 feet up. The building itself (if you count the antenna on the roof, which makes it kind of look like the Space Needle in Seattle) is 750 feet tall. As we were riding up and down the elevator, we had to keep popping our ears. We also got to see a short movie about Texas, but it was 4D; meaning that it was a 3D movie but the chairs moved and we were even spritzed by water and air during parts of it. The kids liked most of the movie, but there were parts that startled them (especially Abigail). Namely when the rattlesnake and the crocodile jumped out at them. Abigail would yell, rip her 3D glasses off, watch for a bit, then decide she needed to put them back on, but would yell and rip them right back off if something startled her. It was a bit hard explaining to her that it was a special effect and not actually jumping off the screen at her. I probably should have explained more before the movie started…whoops! After we got home from our field trip, we came home, relaxed for a bit, and then headed to the school for Meet the Teacher night. Both the kids have really great teachers, so it should be a great year! It’s hard to believe that in two days they’ll be headed back to school!
I spotted a teeny tiny anole! I really zoomed in to get a clear picture of him.She wanted a picture with Daddy before he left for a meeting.While Paul was at a meeting, I took the kids for frozen yogurt.We got a bit of rain right at the beginning of the week and it made our pumpkin plant have a growth spurt!Rope course at Hemisfair Park.This was a fun contraption. It was tilted in a way that if the kids sat in it and started spinning, their weight would keep them going.I wish I could convey better just how fast Abigail got going…but her hair should be an indicator.This mosaic panther was really cool.Abigail wanted to get up onto it in the worst way, but it was sooooo hot. I promised them we would come back to the park after it got cooler.A view of downtown from the observation deck of the Tower of the Americas.I found the Alamodome (and teeny-tiny cars).Looking through the telescope.It was fun to see things up close.We did NOT get our fortunes told, but I had to get a picture of this. It’s just like the one in the old Tom Hanks movie, “BIG”.Getting ready for the movie.You can tell that Joseph is enjoying it and Abigail is…not so sure, haha.She was playing with some toy animals (complete with dialogue), but kept hiccuping. I heard her sigh and then say, “These hiccups are messing up my words!”The absolute only time she’s ever still…and I love sneaking peeks at her.I came out of Joseph’s room (we did a huge purge and really got his room organized) and was met with this, haha. She found his old costume that he put in the dress-up bin and Paul helped her roll up the legs.We found this Zero plush at Lowe’s and decided he needed to come home with us. I’m letting Abigail get one day in with him before I tuck him away with the Halloween decorations. It’s hard to believe we’re almost at that time of year!