Weekly Happenings: We spent this last week mainly getting used to being a family of four. There were doctor’s appointments, small family outings to stores and such, and lazying around the house. Paul has been awesome with Joseph: taking him to the zoo, the park, etc. to make sure he feels like Abigail isn’t getting all the attention. He’s also done a great job taking care of me so I can care for Abigail. The craziest night was last night: New Year’s Eve. Our neighborhood sounded like a war zone from about sun-down to one AM. Joseph slept through the worst of it and Abigail seemed to take comfort in nursing…which she did almost non-stop from 8-midnight. She then blessed me with a 4-hour stretch of sleep. The highlight of the week was definitely today: we blessed Abigail at church. The main thing that stood out in her blessing was that Paul blessed her to have the patience and strength to deal with challenges in her life. While my Momma-heart doesn’t like to hear that she’ll face challenges, it’s comforting to know she won’t do it alone.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been crazy to say the least. Warm days mixed with cold. We have to check the weather report every day (and sometimes multiple times a day) just to figure out what to wear. Crazy!
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s been handling dinner every night, taking care of Joseph, taking care of me, and helping immensely with Abigail at night, making sure I get a break every now and then. He starts back with school tomorrow, but still has one more week off of work. Yay!
What Sarah’s Been Up To: Mainly trying to heal and keep a tiny human alive, haha. Not much else, in reality!
What Joseph’s Been Up To: Loving on his sister, playing with new Christmas gifts, and enjoying his break. He goes back to school tomorrow, which he’s looking forward to. He can’t wait to tell his friends that he’s got a new sister.
What Abigail’s Up To: Eating, sleeping, getting diaper and wardrobe changes (which she abhors), and making us all fall swiftly in love with her. She’s the perfect caboose!
This Week in Pictures: