I think that winter is finally here to stay (for a bit, at least). We did not get any snow (though it has been cold enough that had there been precipitation, it would have snowed). The Dallas/Fort Worth area (about 4-5 hours north of us) got 3 inches of snow as well as a huge ice storm…glad it stayed up there (though it would have been cool to see snow in San Antonio). They’re predicting freezing rain overnight, but it’s not quite the same, lol.
Faith-restoring story for the week: While I was emptying my cart at the commissary, getting ready to pay for my groceries, someone walked up to me and without a word, handed me two $3 off coupons for diapers (which were going to be the bulk of the bill, since I had two boxes). That made it possible for me to stay not just on, but under my grocery budget. What a blessing! I actually almost started crying right there in line because I was so grateful.
Joseph funnies this week:
During the week, I decided that I would wear a dressier shirt just for fun (so basically NOT a t-shirt, lol). Joseph saw me, immediately asked if we were going to church (to which I answered in the negative), then asked if we were going bye-bye (also receiving an answer in the negative). He then paused and said, “Pretty, Momma” (what a charmer, hahaha). Perhaps I need to get dressed up more often. 🙂
He was “reading” a book (The Napping House, which is rather repetitive, in a “this-is=the-house-that-jack-built” type of way) to himself and I was surprised that he was getting most of the words right, and on the right pages. That boy is seriously like a sponge!
We were headed to Paul’s work to drop off some extra Christmas decorations so that Paul could liven up the library a bit. As soon as we got through the gate on the base, Joseph started to look around, more interested. He then said, “See Daddy?!” I told him that we were indeed, going to go see Daddy. Then he said, “Yessss!!” Pretty amazing that he was able to recognize it that quickly. 🙂
Another teasing story: He was dipping his chicken nugget in ketchup (a condiment that he would like to dip almost anything in, by the way) and he looked at me (with a mischievous glint in his eye) and said, “Mmm, mmm, mmm! Cho-co-let. Mmm, mmm, mmm!” I burst out laughing, and so did he. 🙂
One of his favorite TV shows is Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood ( a spin-off of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood; it’s a cartoon about the place where all the puppets live). At the end of each episode, Daniel Tiger gives the screen an Eskimo kiss (rubs his nose against it) and says “Hug-a-muga!” The other day, Joseph was saying something that I couldn’t quite catch, and trying to rub his nose against mine. It took me a couple of times to figure out just what, exactly, he was doing. Now if I say, “Hug-a-muga!” he’ll say it back and give me an Eskimo kiss. 🙂
As I’ve mentioned before, Joseph loves A Charlie Brown Christmas. He likes the part where Charlie Brown looks into an empty mailboxes (looking for non-existent Christmas cards) and says, “Hellooooo” (with an echo). Joseph always runs over to our Christmas tree (because, believe it or not, we have an ornament that looks like a mailbox), opens up the door to the mailbox ornament and shouts, “Hello!!!”. Pretty funny how he makes the connection. 🙂
This Week in Pictures: