Weekly Happenings: January can be rough. It comes on the tail-end of the magic that is the holidays, it’s cold and sometimes dreary, and it can just end up feeling kind of ho-hum. We did our best to chase away the January blahs by going to the park to play a couple times, going for a bike/stroller ride, and hanging around, having fun at home.
The Weekly Weather: It was mostly on the cooler side, but there were a few days that were beautiful and warmer (those were the days we went to the park, haha).
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s back into school, so that keeps him busy. He also went to PAX South, which is a gaming convention. He went with one of our friends and the two of them had a pretty good time looking at all of the different gaming stuff.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I didn’t do too much out of the ordinary. It was fun to get the kids out of the house a couple of times to go to the park.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: He’s finished up the testing process for the Gifted & Talented program at school (we should get the results some time in the spring). He enjoyed getting out in the fresh air (even though it’s currently full of mountain cedar pollen which we are all allergic too) at the park and also enjoyed having a play date at a friend’s house.
What Abigail’s Been Up To: Crawling like crazy, playing peek-a-boo (where she actually will put something over her own eyes and then move it to see the other person), teething like crazy (I think her first set of molars is working its way in), putting EVERYTHING in her mouth (ugh), clapping, “dancing”, “singing”…this is such a fun and entertaining age!
This Week in Pictures:

Bonus Video: Abigail clapping!