Weekly Happenings: This past week didn’t really hold anything out of the ordinary for us. We’re mostly just working on getting back into the swing of normal life, which I think we’ve pretty much accomplished.
The Weekly Weather: It’s been switching back and forth between rainy and overcast with the sun showing its face every once in a while. I’m going to be honest: it kind of drives me crazy. I’m not saying that I’m ready for summer (I don’t know if I’m ever ready, haha), but seeing the sun some more would be nice.
What Paul’s Been Up To: He’s busy at work and busy with his calling at church. Add in responsibilities around home and you’ve got a good picture of what his life is like right now. He’s also still fighting the cedar pollen. He even took a couple sick days this week so that he could get some much needed rest.
What Sarah’s Been Up To: I almost forgot that at the beginning of the week, I was blindsided by quite a nasty stomach bug/flu. It landed me in bed as soon as it hit (I was glad Paul was already home, even though I felt bad that he needed to take over since he wasn’t feeling good, either). I had some pretty crazy dreams while I had the fever, too. I wish I could remember them! Luckily it was gone in about twelve hours, leaving me exhausted. Paul took the next day off so that we could both rest. I’ve also been challenged by Abigail’s requests for me to make her hair like a princess (Heaven help me). Luckily she’s seemed to like my attempts.
What Joseph’s Been Up To: School, video games, Legos, reading fun books (a friend of ours was very generous and got him the complete collection of Roald Dahl books as a belated Christmas gift which he’s been devouring one-by-one).
What Abigail’s Been Up To: Her imagination is in full force. I stepped into the pantry to grab something and I hear (from the other side of the door): *knocking* “Elsa? Ellllsa…do you wanna build a snooooowmaaaaan?” (have I mentioned she still loves Frozen?). I opened up the door to see her down on the ground, trying to peek under the door. One other funny exchange happened when I was trying to understand which show she wanted to watch:
A: Lego?
M: Lego what?
A: Yes.
M: No, Lego what?
A: Lego boy!
M: What’s a Lego boy?
A: Yes!
M: No, what are you talking about?
A: Lego…mobee?
M: OH! Lego Movie?
A: Yeeeessss!!!
This Week in Pictures: